The aim of the Interpreting Test is to simulate, as best as possible, a situation where interpreting would be required in order to assess the ability of candidates to interpret smoothly and fluently and convey the
original message correctly.
The Interpreting Test will be held remotely using Zoom, with CTV Sound Studios, Cardiff, responsible for the technical aspects.
This new way of holding the Interpreting Test has proved successful. It is easier and safer for candidates and means that the Interpreting Test is more accessible than ever.
In the Interpreting Test candidates are required to interpret two contrasting pieces, each lasting approximately 10 minutes. Up to 15 minutes is set aside to read information on both pieces before beginning to interpret. The test pieces are played on Zoom. Each candidate’s test will be recorded and that recording will be sent to two members of the Association’s Register of Interpreting Assessors who will assess it.