The terms found in the following lists have been selected and chosen by experts in their field.
A list of terms differs from a dictionary by listing specialised words relevant to a specific field.
Background information on terminology
A Practical Course in Terminology Processing Juan C. Sager, Amsterdam, 1990 |
Micro and Minicomputer-based Terminology Databases in Europe TermNet Report 1, K. Freigang, F. Mayer, K. Schmitz, Vienna, 1991 |
Terminology, LSP and Translation Studies in Language Engineering in Honour of Juan C. Sager, Harold Somers (ed.), Amsterdam, 1996 |
Welsh Terminology
Porth Termau is the Welsh National Terminology Portal for an on-line English-Welsh terminology search engine, and by now incorporates most of the following lists:
Canllawiau Terminoleg Anabledd (disability) Anabledd Cymru, 1999 |
Creaduriaid Asgwrn-cefn: pysgod, amffibiaid, ymlusgiaid, adar a mamaliaid (back-boned creatures) Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd, 1994 |
Geiriadur Termau Archaeoleg (archaeology) Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 1999 |
Geiriadur Termau Rheoli Coetiroedd (woodlands management) Prifysgol Bangor, 2005 |
Geiriadur Termau Seicoleg (psychology) Prifysgol Bangor, 2004 |
Geiriadur Termau’r Diwydiannau Creadigol (creative industries) Canolfan Addysg Uwch Cyfrwng Cymraeg, 2008 |
Geiriadur Termau’r Gyfraith (legal terminology) Prifysgol Bangor, 2008 |
Geiriadur Terminoleg Trefniadaeth Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru/ National Assembly of Wales Dictionary of Procedural Terms Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg |
Gwyfynod, Glöynnod Byw a Gweision Neidr (moths, butterflies and dragonflies) Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd, 2009 |
LHDTC+ Ffynonellau cyfeirio LHDTC+, Richard Crowe |
Planhigion Blodeuol, Conwydd a Rhedyn (flowering plants, conifers and bracken) Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd, 2003 |
Termau Addysg y Cynulliad (National Assembly for Wales education terminology) Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg, 2000 |
Termau Asiantaeth yr Amgylchedd Cymru (environment agency) Asiantaeth yr Amgylchedd, 2002 |
Termau Bydwreigiaeth (midwifery) Ysgol Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth PC Bangor, 1999 |
Termau Cyllid y Cynulliad (National Assembly for Wales financial terminology) Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg, 2000 |
Termau Deddfwriaeth Priffyrdd (highways legislation) Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg, 1998 |
Termau Gofal Iechyd Pobl Hŷn (health care for the elderly) Byrddau Iechyd Gogledd Cymru, 2005 |
Termau Gwaith a Gofal Cymdeithasol (work and social care) CCETSW, 2000 |
Termau Gweinyddu Cyfiawnder (justice administration) Rhwydwaith Cyfiawnder Cymru, 2011 |
Termau Hybu Iechyd Meddwl Plant a Phobl Ifanc (children and young people's mental health promotion) Awdurdod Iechyd Gogledd Cymru, 2002 |
Termau Hybu Iechyd (health promotion) Awdurdod Iechyd Gogledd Cymru, 2000 |
Termau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth (nursing and midwifery) Prifysgol Cymru Bangor, 1997 |
Termau Therapi Galwedigaethol (occupational therapy) Byrddau Iechyd Gogledd Cymru, 2007 |
Welsh and English Dictionary of Sporting & Recreational Terms |
Y Termiadur – Termau wedi'u safoni (standardized terms) ACCAC, 2006 |
Terminology within organizations
Some, especially larger organisations, develop their own terminology lists, as well as in-house styles, to ensure language consistency across the board. Some requests for freelance translators/interpreters will insist on the use of their terminology if available. Some translators/interpreters play a key role in the initial work of developing terminology within an organisation or company.
TermCymru If you are searching for a term used by the Welsh Government, then go to their website: |
The European Union's Terminology |
Welsh Termau Cymraeg Welsh-English discussion forum for translators looking for help or suggestions when translating terminology, phrases or even sentences. |
Cymdeithas Cyfieithwyr Cymru is part funded by the Welsh Government.